Cardinal Ratzinger and the Rise of the Black Internationale - 1
Cardinal Ratzinger nominated as the 266th Pope as Pope Benedict XVI On Tuesday, April 19, 2005, the Vatican Conclave in a surprisingly brief election process nominated John Paul II’s chief theological advisor for over 20 years, Joseph Ratzinger from Germany, as the 265th “Apostolic Successor” to the seat of Peter in the Papacy. To tens of thousands of pilgrims waiting in St. Peter’s square cheering, Benedict XVI, with a large smile and wearing the traditional regalia of the Papacy, waved to the faithful stalwarts. He was elected on the second day, the fourth ballot, when over two-thirds of the 115 cardinals (2 cardinals were absent due to illness) made that fateful decision.
The “white smoke rising from the Sistine Chapel chimney” sent the message that the conclave had made its decision by 5:50 p.m. and ten minutes later, the bells began to ring for the jubilant pilgrims. In a bid to the 1.1 billion members of the Roman Catholic Church, Cardinal Jorge Arturo Medina Estevez introduced the new Pontiff in traditional Latin. He began his greeting to the “universal Church” by stating “brothers and sisters” in several languages.
Who is this new Pontiff? As the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Ratzinger was the director of the ancient Office of the Inquisition first started by the Dominicans (founded by St. Dominic in 1217) in 1233 and later joined by the Franciscan Order (founded by St. Francis of Assisi in 1209/10).
The Inquisition ranks as probably the most heinous instrument of evangelism and forced repentance ever instituted by a religious institution. The Inquisitors terrorized the citizens of Europe for centuries. It ended about 1850 CE but was later reinstituted by Pope Paul VI (1963-1978) who restored the Inquisition under a more benign name, the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. It was Pope John Paul II who appointed Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger to this office.
There are interesting parallels as the fires of tribulation escalate around the globe, the 111th and last pope, according to the prophecies of St. Malachy, began his career in the Vatican directing the ancient seat of the Catholic Inquisitors. With the visions of the prophets in mind, all we have to see is the looming “False Prophet” who will give his power to the anti-Christ and impel the citizens of thenew One World Order to accept the “Mark of the Beast” (Revelation 13:16-18) As we begin this study into the deceptions that were surrounding the death of Pope John Paul II and the election of Pope Benedict XVI, let us begin to review the sacred numbers that will be used bythe Vatican hierarchy to guide their lives. Sacred Numbers of the Luciferian Trinity Spiritualist and occultists have their own language in which they weave the messages sent by their master, Lucifer, the former crowning angel that stood by the throne of the Almighty One. Here we enter the world of those who seek the “illumination” of the gods of the sphere, the Illuminate; those who seek to identify with the sacred geometry of Solomon’s Temple, the Masonic Order; and those who seek to corrupt the sacred study of the mystical Hebrew faith in the Kabbalah and form the Magick Qabalah and the Christian Cabalah. Out of the corruption of the Torah based Kabbalah evolved the world of magic in the Qabalah and the Islamic - Catholic- Christian distortion of the Hebrew Kabbalah into the Christian Cabala. Out of the loins of the sages of the Kabbalah came the fifty false messiahs of Judaism, the last, the largest and the most fervent was the messianic age of Shabbatai Zevi. He declared the “Age of the Messiah” on June 18, 1666. (6th month, 6+6+6th day, 1000+666 year)
The legacy of this false messiah surrounds the Nation of Israel in what are known as the Sabbatean Jews. To understand the Book of Revelation one has to know the Kabbalah for it is the Kabbalistic numbers that the roots of the Satanic sacred numbers will be found. You cannot understand Revelation’s “666” and the “Mark of the Beast” without understanding the roots of Torah based Kabbalah and its corruption into the Qabalah and Cabalah.
One of the most important things to know is that the followers of Luciferian World Order are bound by sacred numbers and astrological signs to guide their future path. The most important sacred satanic numbers are the following:
With these four numbers and the multiple of each in mind, let us relook at the recent life of Karol Josef Woytyla as Pope John Paul II and how these numbers surrounded his life.
This makes the following news item and article even more interesting.
On April 1, 2005, it was reported on Fox News that Pope John Paul II had died. The news media never did verify the story and Reuters about a half hour later reported that the telemetry on the Pope was still recording cardiac activity and the brain waves were still being recorded. The actual time of death was not verified from the Vatican until April 2, 2005 and the reported time of death was 21:38, Saturday, April 2, 2005.
Here it is suggested that John Paul II died on Friday, April 1 but it was not officially announced until April 2, 2005 that he had died. For what advantage would it have been to add another day? As we first noted in the sacred numbers above, the number of the date of his death is “13”. Let us keep learning the mindset of the Vatican hierarchy and the use of occultic symbols as they sent messages to those who read, observe and follow occultic messages.
Occultic Symbols
surrounding the Papacy
and the Funeral of John Paul II
The Eight Wheel Path of Enlightenment
The funeral of the John Paul II was centered on the majestic views of the most famous basilica in the world, St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City at Rome. ![]()
The St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome
As you look at this aerial picture of the rounded open plaza in front of the cathedral, you can see that it is centered on an Egyptian obelisk with the lines of the spokes of a wheel radiating out to the eight cardinal directions of the globe. There also is an opening in the plaza facing east and west. Here we are seeing the “Eight Wheel Path of Enlightenment” centered on a circular hub.
The root of this symbol is in Eight Paths of Enlightenment of Buddha corrupted into what we call Black Magick today. The eight levels in the path of learning are what a young neophyte in a satanic coven must attain before he has reached the level of “full enlightenment”.
Yet the ancestral seat where this Eighth Wheeled of Enlightenment is found is the “Throne of Satan”, the city of healing, Pergamos in Asia Minor. ![]()
The Eighth Wheel – The Final Sexual Union with the divine
In Pergamos is where we enter into the world of the sacred goddess and the god-kings. It is here where the eighth and final step of the “Eight Wheel Path of Enlightenment” was the final “sex” with a temple virgin as they participated with the divine as part of the “Universal Life Regeneration Force.”
The city of Pergamos reminds us of the Apocalypse of John and the seven churches. This is the region from where the black horse and rider of the Apocalypse returns back to Jerusalem from the north as the world awaits the beginning of the Black Seal of Revelation. This is the city which hosts the most powerful religious institution in the world today. We can now see the Black Internationale as envisioned by Pope John Paul II who, according to his mentor, Cardinal Wyszynski of Warsaw, will win in the contest for global control of this planet earth. Is it not amazing that the black horse and rider of the sixth seal comes from the north of Jerusalem where the practitioners of “black magic” lived in the ancient city of Pergamos where the “throne of Satan” resided in the day when the Apocalypse of John was written.
The temple of Aesculapius in the ancient city of Pergamos and home to the physician Galen (131-210 CE)
Pergamos, was the capital city of Pergamum in Mysia in the Caicus valley only 15 miles from the Aegean sea. Today it is known as the city of Berghama. In this city was the famous temple toAesculapius, the Greek god of healing. He was recognized as the founder of medical science. In this city also resided the sacred priests and temple prostitutes of the black arts that fled from Babylon the seat of Marduk the god of the Babylonians. The fame of Pergamos was immortalized as the constellation of Ophiuchus.
The constellation of Ophiuchus, called the Thirteenth Constellation, means “Serpent Holder”. This serpent is recognized as the serpent in the Garden of Eden and the Serpent as Quetzalcoatl to theAztecs and the Serpent of Rukulcan to the Mayans. Is it any wonder that every year, the path of the sun (the Sun god to the ancients) travels through Ophiuchus between November 22 and December 25. To the New Age devotees, this is the time of celebration of the Christ consciousness or the galactic consciousness where the “wheel of twelve”, the path of the disciples of Christ is transcended to a Higher Self, the Thirteenth Self. This “New Age” is the Age of Ophiuchus where the wisdom of the ancients will be restored especially the wisdom of “serpent energy”. Is it any wonder that the last Age of Ophiuchus was from 4500 BCE to 2500 BCE when the “Watchers” as the “sons of God” came down and bred with the “daughters of men” and begat the giants of the ancients.
The citizens of the world came to Pergamos seeking health and healing in the renowned medical capital of the Roman world. On the hills of the Acropolis were splendid buildings and palaces with statues and glorious works of art. Here in one of the great cities of the ancient times, dedicated to the Babylonian sun worship became the Roman seat of idolatry. The temples of grandeur were dedicated to thegod of Nature.
The heart of the site was its sacred spring. Visitors would drink from its waters as the first step in their diagnosis. The outflow is channeled to trickle down the side of stairs going down to the underground corridor which connects it with the Temple of Telesphorus
Here in the temples and shrine the pilgrims walked amongst thousands of harmless snakes surrounding the altar of “Zeus the Savior”. The medical arts of healing and the renowned institutions of medical science were centered on the worship of the serpent. The temples in Pergamos were no less famous than the healing waters of Lourdes today. The art of medicine is memorialized today in the modern seal of medicine; the caduceus, the staff of Aesculapius with a serpent entwined around it.
After the forces of Cyrus the Great took possession of the city of Babylon in 538 BCE the Babylonian priesthood were still allowed to worship their arts and rituals in their ziggurat temples dedicated to the Babylonian god, Marduk. Not willing to remain a religious power force, the Chaldean priests attempted to usurp the throne of the Persians when they installed one of their priests as king of Babylon who posed as the king’s brother, Smerdis.
When the False Smerdis was discovered he was killed. Again the priests tried to set up a Babylonian ruler and in 487 BCE, the Persian emperor Xerxes destroyed Babylon, tore down the temple and toppled the golden statue to Marduk. This was the golden statue of Nebuchadnezzar that was famed by the fiery furnace story of the three Hebrew Babylonian ministers who refused to bow down to it in worship.
According to history, about 480 BCE, the Babylonian left or were exiled from the city of Babylon. It was William Barker, who in 1853 wrote the book, “Cilicia and Its Governors” and stated:
For over three hundred years the Chaldean priesthood made their religious home in Pergamos. The kings of the city were also priest-kings of the ancient order of the Babylonian religion. In the acropolis was the Temple of Athena Parthenos, the virgin goddess in which the city was dedicated.
The Great Altar of Pergamos
In the year 165 BCE the Great Altar was constructed. Three hundred sixty feet long, it depicted the battles of the gods and the giants of old. Along with Athena and Aesculapius, a multitude of gods were worshipped including Dionysus known as Bacchus the god of wine and patron of the secret fertility cults of the east.
The city of Pergamos boasted one of the greatest libraries of the ancient world. This was an immense library of over 200,000 volumes. The library of Pergamos rivaled and even surpassed the famedLibrary of Alexandria. This library was funded by the king, Eumenes II who imported shiploads of papyrus to copy books for the library until the Egyptian recognizing the rivalry of this library declared an embargo on papyrus. Not to be outdone, Eumenes II had its artisans to develop a new writing material, parchment. It was in 133 BCE that the final king of the Attalid dynasty, Attalus III, willed the city of Pergamos to the Roman Empire as he had no heirs to rule his kingdom. During this era the Chaldean priesthood began to migrate to their new religious power center located on the peninsula of Italia. It was John Walvoord, the chancellor of the Dallas Theological Seminary who wrote in the Bible Knowledge Commentary,
In the days of John the Revelator, Pergamos was still recognized as the power center for the Babylonian priesthood and the “seat or the throne of Satan”. Over the centuries, the slow evolution of merging the roots of the pagan religious rites to the apostate Christian Church of Rome continued.
These rites were from the very religions that the prophets of the Israel and Judah called an abomination to the Lord. It was John the Revelator who identified this city as the “Throne of Satan” and from whence will come the Black Horse and Rider of the Apocalypse.
The Acropolis of Pergamos
In a rare 1983 picture shown below, John Paul II, the Catholic Vicar of Christ is holding up the “twisted crucifix of Christ” as he is facing east to the sun and the Egyptian obelisk once dedicated to Ra, the Egyptian sun god. In front of the pontiff are the adoring masses of pilgrims who pay their obeisance to a practitioner of the ancient order of the Egyptian arts of Black Magick.
Before him is the Plaza of St. Peter’s Basilica, whose surrounding courtyard and building monuments adored by the Catholic faithful depict the ancient symbolism of the fertility sexual rites of the pagan religions of the East. With the sacred womb of the female goddesses and the phallus holding the “seeds” of the god-kings, the Vatican exhibits today the same pathway of enlightenment.
The Obelisk of the Egyptian Sun god Ra The obelisk that is erected in the center of St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican is 83 feet high and weighs 331 tons. It was first erected under the orders of Emperor Augustus Caesar in the Julian Forum located in the city of Alexandria in the 1st century CE. It was later removed in 37 CE by the Emperor Caligula and placed in the Circus of Nero in Rome. ![]()
The most famed and largest obelisk in the world, the Washington Monument is not from Egypt.
It stands in the Washington Mall of Washington D.C. the capital of the United States.
This Circus is called by some the Vatican Circus where the Apostle Peter was crucified. The word Vatican is a name that was coined centuries later where St. Peter’s Cathedral was erected.
As the Egyptologist Labib Habachi stated,
This obelisk was never toppled and as such the emperor Nero obtained his mythical status as a sorcerer. On the top was erected a bronze globe with what was known to be the ashes of the two Caesars; Augustus and Tiberius.
In the year 1586, Felice Peretti, known as Pope Sixtus V (1585-1590) the “Iron Pope”, commissioned Domenico Fontana to transfer this obelisk from the Circus of Nero to what was to become the Piazza St. Pietro in front of the Basilica of St. Peter.
Sixtus V was born on the little village of Montalto in the desolate area of Marca d’Ascoli. He later was known as Cardinal Montalto. On top was erected the complex coat of arms with four symbols; a rampant lion holding pears (Peretti means pears) and three mountains topped by a star, the mountains and the star of Sixtus V
There in the midst of the “Eight Wheel Path of Enlightenment” this obelisk stands as a symbol of the glory of Egypt and the imprint of Egyptian cultic influence on the Vatican over the ages.
The Egyptian Obelisk in the center of St. Peter’s Square
The entire path of enlightenment circles an obelisk called by some the Obelisk of Cleopatra was created in Egypt in the 1st century BCE. In the research of obelisks by the New Age author, Peter Tompkins in his book, The Magic of Obelisks, he writes the following:
His research continued as to their purpose and use and found that the obelisk was used in the worship of the ancient Egyptian Sun god, “Ra”. (Ibid 7). To gain insight into this world of Black Magic, the author “encountered the murky worlds of witchcraft, voodoo, demonology, and the darkest recesses of the human mind”. (Ibid, p.2)
During this era, one of the oldest and most famous of the Egyptian obelisks is the obelisk of Heliopolis, most ancient surviving ‘needle’ in Egypt.
According to Thompkins, the obelisk of Heliopolis stood in the famed city of Heliopolis:
The obelisk of Heliopolis
This delta city of ancient Egypt, Heliopolis, was the capital of the 13th Lower Egyptian Nome. As a city of astronomy, the high priest took the title name held by Imhotep in the 3rd Egyptian dynasty, some scholars think was the Egyptian visor Joseph, the son if Jacob. He was called wr-m3w, or “chief of observers” or the “greatest of seers”. Heliopolis, called “On” in Egyptian Coptic, was the seat of the sun-god Ra was the oldest and richest of the ancient seats dedicated to sun worship.
Next to the obelisk of Heliopolis, the largest standing Egyptian obelisk today is standing in the Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano, the square of St. John Lateran, the official cathedral of the bishop of Rome. This cathedral is called the Sacred Lateran Church, Universally for the City and the World, Supreme Mother of Churches. This obelisk was the last obelisk to be brought from Egypt to Rome. Constantine the Great wanted to bring it but did not have a large enough ship to do so. It was Constantius II (317-361 CE) who had a specially built ship and transported it from Thebes to Rome in 357 CE. Located initially on the Circus Maximus, by the time of the reign of Pope Sixtus V, it had fallen, was broken and in disrepair. It was repaired and re-erected in the Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano.
The Karnak Obelisk of Thutmoses III standing in the Square of St. John Lateran.
Standing twenty meters high and weighing 21 tons, this obelisk was originally carved in the reign of the Egyptian reign of Pharaoh Thutmoses III and was placed in the temple of Amon-Ra in Karnak at Thebes. Thutmoses III was thought to be the brother to the foster mother of Moses, the Pharaoh Queen Hatshepsut.
Today in Rome, it represents the tallest and best preserved of Egypt’s ancient symbols to the sun. Also on top of this obelisk, Pope Sixtus V mounted the entire array of his heraldic symbols: not only the three mountains with the star, but also the lion holding the pears. The followers of the pagan or satanic religions of Egypt believed that the spirit of Ra lived in the obelisk. Three times a day, the worshippers of Ra were to face this obelisk and to pray to the god, Ra. According to Cathy Burns in the book, “Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated” , this practice has been transmitted over the centuries in the occultic societies who also “face the obelisk” daily. Here the obelisk represented the phallus of Osiris which was cut into fourteen parts.
This symbol was later transferred to the Canaanite god Baal, whom the prophets proclaimed the hatred of the God of Israel to this false religion. Later in the Mystery religions of the Greeks,
With the death of the famed Cleopatra, the last Pharaoh of Egypt and the wife of both Mark Anthony and Julius Caesar, we find the ascent of the glory of Rome while the glory of Egypt faded into history. The obelisks of Egypt were moved to many cities of the Roman Empire
The site of the execution of Paul and the crucifixion upside down of
the Apostle Peter in the Circus of Nero near the “Cleopatra Obelisk” of Egypt
It was in 66 CE when the Apostle Paul, the emissary of Yahshua to the gentiles was arrested and executed in the Circus of Nero. When the news reached Peter who was ministering to the Nazarene believers in Gaul (central Europe) that he immediately went to Rome to assist the fledging church.
They were meeting in the home of Senator Rufus Pudens and his Celtic Silurian wife who was the princess of Wales. Their home was known as the “Palladium Britannica” (the Palace of the British) where the Basilica Pudentianna presently stands in Rome today.
Soon after his arrival, Peter was arrested and put in the famed and feared Gemonium or the Tullian Keep known today as the Mamertine Prison. This two chambered cell was cut into solid rock, one over another with the only entrance through the ceiling. In 50 CE, it was described by the Roman historian Sallust as:
The tomb of the Apostle Peter on the embankment of
the Circus of Nero at the site of the Great Altar of St. Peter’s Cathedral
According to George F. Jowett, in The Drama of the Lost Disciples we read:
It was at the site of the Circus of Nero with the obelisk that was standing along the central spine, that the Apostle Peter was crucified upside down with his feet tied by a rope about 67 CE.
The tomb of Peter and the 1st century monument and graffiti in honor to him
in the catacomb beneath the “seat of Peter” in St. Peter’s Cathedral in the Vatican.
According the ancient traditions of the early church, the body of Peter was given to the believers of the Roman Christian Ecclesia whose home church was in the home of the Roman Senator Rufus Pudens at the Palladium Britannica on one of the seven hills of Rome called the Viminale Hill.
There they took his body to the surrounding embankment of the Circus of Nero and placed Peter’s grave. Later they build a memorial site for the Roman Christian believers. As seen in the picture above of the Circus of Nero, the site for the tomb of Peter was later built the altar of the Basilica of St. Peter’s by the Emperor Constantine. Later in the center of the piazza of St. Peter’s the Obelisk of Cleopatra was re-erected and once stood in the spine of the Circus of Nero. Today, the ministry and ritual worship within the Vatican no longer serves the God of Israel. They no longer seek to preserve the Torah that was given to Moses and His chosen ones fleeing their bondage in Egypt. The imperial religious center of the Pharaohs which the Israelites were fleeing from is now the entombed in the architecture and monuments at the Vatican. There in the home of apostate Christianity the monuments of the ancient Sun god, Ra reign supreme. The Twisted Crucifix of Christ of Mithra ![]()
Pope John Paul II (1983) holding the bent crucifix facing towards the east and the Egyptian obelisk
It was in 1963 when the Twisted Cross Crucifix was first presented to the Catholic public by Giovanni Battista Montini as Pope Paul VI (June 21, 1963-August 6, 1978), instead of the traditional Christian cross of Jesus. The occultic authority took notice for the meaning of this act was loud and clear: the alliance of the Jesuits and the Illuminate had taken over the Vatican.
The final trump card of the Black Pope would soon come and the Papacy would be fully under the control of the Order of Ignatius of Loyola, the Society of Jesus, called the Jesuits. The era of the “false prophet” of Revelation, the anti-Christ and the final control of the globalists in the creation of the New World Order would formally and finally be completed.
Pope John Paul II and the Bent Crucifix
Papa Woytyla with all his loving and fatherly charisma still meticulously followed the script of the progressive involvement of the Vatican “superforce” that had control of the Papal Curia and the governance of the Holy See. It was John Paul II who first used in public the coin words, “New World Order”.
As the sun traveled the sky in toil labor, so also did this Pontiff the “Solaris laboris” as prophesied by St. Malachy in 1153 for the 110th pope in his vision of the last popes. Throughout his travels around the world he presented the Twisted Cross Crucifix to the public as the symbol of the most ancient crooked staff of Mithra. The favorite emblem of John Paul II in his travels was the Twisted Crucifix whom Piers Compton in his book, “The Broken Cross: Hidden Hand of the Vatican” stated that the Bent Crucifix is:
The origin of the Mithraism’s crooked staff is rooted in a history centuries prior to the crucifixion of Yahshua ha Maschiach (Jesus the Messiah) hanging on a tree.
This staff depicted a sinister image of a sickly man and the current papal staff depicts a thin sick emaciated Christ.
In the late 1760s, Mayer Amschel Rothschild drew up the organizational plans for the creation of the Illuminati. It was Adam Weishaupt in Frankfurt, Germany who formed the Masters of the Illuminati in 1776. This alliance in Frankfurt, Germany of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Adam Weishaupt along with Jacob Frank, the successor of the Shabbatai Zevi formed the beginnings of the final alliances that seek to control this planet earth.
According to scholars of the occult, it was after Adam Weishaupt formed the Masters of the Illuminati in 1776, that the Twisted Cross became an Illuminist symbol representing the coming New Age, Masonic Christ and his 'Mark of the Beast'.
Mithra was known as the “angel of light” who brought its followers the “illuminated light.” When we follow the etymology of Mithra we find that the root meaning of the word goes back to “Lucifer” whose root in Latin is Luc or Luz.
Lucifer is described as the originator of illuminated light and was worshipped as “the Mediator” and the Canaanite Lord of the covenant “baal-berith”.
That Mithraism arose in human history prior to Christianity was good strategic planning by the arch-deceiver, Lucifer, known as Satan. This was the same “accuser of the brethren” who was called the “dragon” and will be cast down by Michael, the “prince” of the Most High to this earth when the final war, the war with the woman (the “saints” and the “chosen ones”) in the last days is fought.
The Early Church Fathers, like Origin, Tertullian and Justin, tried to trace part the origins of apostate Christianity to an adaptation of Mithraism. That it was. The corruption of the testimony of the Jewish rabbi, Yahshua ha Maschiach (Jesus the Messiah) who claimed “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12) to Mithra (Lucifer) as the “light bearer” was a strategy set into motion prior to the birth ofJesus. It was brilliant and well conceived.
John Paul II with the Bent Crucifix of Mithraism
The concept of a “corrupted idea” to be implanted into cultural life decades or centuries prior to the revelation of “truth” is one of the greatest strategies of satanic forces. It has been repeated over and over throughout the ages when the revelation of truth was preempted by the planting of a falsehood first. Many Church historians are too lazy to dig deeper into the dim and mystic lore of the ancients.
The Dagon Miter of the Papacy Two of the most poignant stories of the Israelites during the time of the Judges are the story of Sampson and the story when the Ark of the Lord was captured by the Philistines in Ashdod. Both of these stories are related to the Philistines of old whose modern day descendants can be seen in the Palestinians in Israel. Both of these stories are related to the Philistine god, Dagon. Sampson and Philistine god Dagon
Dagon, the sun-fish, clearly displayed with fish attire and mitre.
The Ark of the Covenant and Dagon
The Sumerian fish god, the priests of Enki and the Miter of the Pope
One of the many mystery cults absorbed by the apostate Christian Church in the first four centuries was Philistine fish-god called Dagon. The most renown temples of Dagon were at Gaza (Judges 16:21-30) and at Ashdod (1 Samuel 5:3,4; 1 Chronicles 10:10.) This Fish-god in the Philistine culture was also known as the devil. The representation of Dagon is found in the architecture of the Sumerians and the Philistines. It was portrayed as the face and hands of a man with the lower torso or body of a fish. These images ofDagon are even more ancient than the Philistine culture of the Judges but hark back to the first known civilization of mankind, the Sumerians. The upper Sumerian inscription depicts two Sumerian priests where the left priest is wearing the miter of the fish-god and is holding a staff for sprinkling the hold water which he is carrying in his opposite hand. According to Berossus, these divine fish-men appeared coming ashore from the “Erythrean Sea”. This was the ancient Arabian Sea. In the Sumerian tablets it was EN-KI who came and settled in a land called E.RI.DU (“house in faraway built”). Archeologist claim that this was Eridu in southern Mesopotamia. (Sitchin, Zecharia, the 12th Planet) When we compare this text with the Bible, this “fish god” appears to have arrived in the ante-diluvium era in the days of Enoch when the Nephilim or the Watchers came to this planet.
Their arrival, on the engraving above, appears to be in a flying vehicle not unlike a modern day airplane. Their mission as recorded in the Jewish inter-testament book, the Book of Enoch found in the Qumran fragments, resulted in the greatest rebellion in the days of Enoch against God.
Pagan priests as half-fish sprinkling holy water
Above we see the same mitered Dagon fish-god engraved on a stone relief that came from a temple laver in the ancient empire of Assyria. It is now housed in the Pergamum Museum in Berlin, Germany. We see each priest is wearing a fish-head mitre representing the Sumerian-Philistia-Babylonian god Dagon.
The ancient Hebrew root for Dag-on, dag is pronounced as dawg (Strong’s 1912). It comes from the fertility symbol of fish rapidly spawning or multiplying. The second syllable of the word Dag-On is pronounced as gohn which is derived from the word sun.
It was the English archeologist Austen Henry Layard who excavated the capital of the ancient Assyrian Empire called Khorsabad or Persepolis in the late 1840s. It was 1850 when the magnificent royal library of Assyrian King Ashurbanipal was unearthed. In the palace chamber at Nineveh he found a room that was stacked with 30,000 clay cylinders and tablets. On each cylinder was a micro wedge-shaped cuneiform script.
These tablets and cylinders were packed into wicker baskets and shipped to the British Museum. It would later take decades of painstaking work translating this script by reading it with a magnifying glass. In this same library was also found the Babylonian account of the Biblical story of the Flood of Noah, called Ut-Nipishtim on the clay cylinders.
As archeologist Layard described this fish-god priest in his book, “Babylon and Nineveh”,
Later the mitre of the fish-god was found as the ancient mystery goddess of Asia Minor and Syria, Cybele. We see again the same mitre of the fertility fish-god representing the Sun-god Dagon again with a scepter or a trident rod in her hand.
Cybele, the mystery goddess of Asia Minor and Syria, with an Episcopal mitre on her head.
Cybele (Sybil) was the Roman Earth Goddess who was called the great queen mother goddess or the Magna mater of Rome symbolized by her throne and lions. She represented Gaia, the deified earth which the New Age writers have resurrected in modern times with the living earth Gaia theory.
In her hand she holds a frame drum, her bowl of prophecy and by her piercing gaze gives proclamation to her power of prophecy. Many of the attributes of Cybele (Sybil) are recognized in the Sumerian goddess Inanna. The Basilica of Saint Peter actually stands upon the former site of Cybele's main temple in Rome.
Goddess Cybele on her lion throne
This Queen Mother or the Magna Mater was spoken of harshly by the prophet Jeremiah in Jerusalem. With the apostate Christian Church elevating Mary the mother of Jesus to a deified state as the Queen Mother of Heaven, she assumed the role of the accursed state of Cybele the Roman goddess. This was the same “Queen of Heaven”, known as Asherah and Ishtar.
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